Chiropractic + Pregnancy
When it comes to pregnancy and birth, the most ideal experience is one that is natural and complication free. So why does this not happen more often? One of the primary causes is something called dystocia, which is defined as abnormal progress in birth. Dystocia often results in a chain reaction of medical interventions that are theoretically designed to help the labor proceed. These interventions can inadvertently add increased layers of complexity and stress to the birth process, causing labor to be less and less natural.
The three primary reasons/causes for dystocia in labor are:
Physiological (uterine dysfunction) & Biomechanical Causes (abnormal pelvic alignment, abnormal baby position)
Emotional Causes (stress, fear)
Medical/Technological Causes (medical interventions)
Changes During Pregnancy
During pregnancy, the female body goes through many changes to accommodate the growing fetus. The most notable changes happen to her bio mechanics (structure and movement of the body). Weight gain and growth in the abdomen will cause her to go through many postural adaptations and in turn place more demand and stress on the spinal and pelvic muscles, ligaments and joints. This increased stress on the spinal and pelvic structures increases the occurrence of vertebral and sacroiliac joint misalignment's (subluxations). Vertebral and sacroiliac joint subluxations during pregnancy can have a negative impact on the mothers ability to have a healthy pregnancy along with a safe and natural birth.
Chiropractic Care
Chiropractors work with the body's ability to adapt and function the way it is designed to. Chiropractic care in pregnancy is vital to the normal physiological function of both the mother and baby in pregnancy and birth. It can drastically decrease the potential causes of dystocia and allow for a safer, natural uncomplicated birth. The benefits include:
In the mother:
Prepares the pelvis for an easier pregnancy and birth by creating a state of balance in the pelvic bony structures, muscles and ligaments
Removes torsion of the ligaments that support the uterus.
Reduces interference to the mothers vital nerve system which controls and co-ordinates all of her systems and functions (including the uterus- a main cause of dystocia).
By improving maternal function, we are decreasing the potential for the main causes of dystocia and thus unnecessary intervention.
In the child:
Reduces interference to the mothers nerve system allowing for better baby development.
Pelvic balance allows the baby greater room to develop without restriction to its forming cranium, spine and other skeletal structure.
Offers the baby room to move into the best possible position for birth.
With proper fetal positioning, there is a significant decrease in dystocia and the resulting birth trauma caused by intervention.
Adjustments during pregnancy
Adjustments during pregnancy are safe and effective in removing nerve system stress and creating balance in the mothers pelvis. We have special pillows made specifically to accommodate all stages of pregnancy so that the mother may lie safely on her belly to support the baby during adjustments.
Webster technique
As the due date draws near, most babies should have assumed a head-down position in the mother’s uterus. If the baby hasn’t turned, there is a greater chance of a more difficult breech birth or risky Caesarean intervention.
Constrained Uterus
Developed by the late Larry Webster, D.C., this chiropractic technique releases stress on the pelvis, relaxing surrounding ligaments and reducing the sacral subluxation to restore more normal function.
Sacral subluxation may cause the tightening and twisting of pelvic muscles and ligaments, constraining the uterus. The goal of the adjustment is to reduce the effects of subluxation and the associated dysfunction of the SI joint. The result? Neurobiomechanical function in the sacral/pelvic region is improved, benefiting pregnant mothers or others with sacral subluxations.
Successful approach:
The July/August 2002 issue of the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics reports that 82% of chiropractors using the Webster Technique reported success.
Sometimes, using the Webster Technique the associated dysfunction of the sacroiliac joint can be reduced with just one adjustment. But usually it takes between three to 10 visits over a several week period.
Because the Webster Technique relies on the inborn intelligence of the mother and baby, there is little risk. The Webster Technique is based on the positive experiences of pregnant patients, the clinical experience of its many practitioners, academic studies on the subject of sacral subluxation and its consequences to proper pelvic function.
Dr. Liz Phillip is fully certified through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association in the Webster Technique.