Chiropractic Care
Dedicated to quality care to meet the individual needs of each person.
The doctors at Phillip Chiropractic are dedicated to providing quality chiropractic care to each person. The chiropractic adjustment in our office is tailored to fit the individual needs of each patient. We provide safe, gentle and effective care based on the age and condition of each individual.
With two skilled doctors in our office, we are able to make a well rounded team and care for individuals of different ages and conditions including (but not limited to);
Back pain, neck pain and headaches
Disc herniations, radiating pain, sciatica
Athletes and Injuries
General wellness care (not covered by insurance)
Prenatal chiropractic care (Webster Certified)
Infants and children (ICPA)
The goal of our care is to evaluate your spine for segments that are either not moving properly or not aligned properly and are interfering with your body’s ability to adapt to everyday stressors. We will discuss your goals for care and develop an appropriate plan to help you meet those goals.
In our office, your commitment to chiropractic care and your health is up to you. We will do our best to encourage you and support you through your journey to better health!