Chiropractic wellness
People see a chiropractor for a variety of reasons. Some go for relief of pain and discomfort, others to maintain the health and wellness of their spine. Regular chiropractic adjustments help you feel good, function optimally and adapt to the stressors of daily life.
We live our life through our nervous system. It is the master control system for our entire body. Messages get sent from our brain to our body and from our body to our brain via this system. The state of our nervous system determines how well we respond and adapt to stress. I think we can all agree that life doesn’t exist without stress. We are constantly bombarded by stress on a daily basis. We can categorize those stressors into 3 categories; physical, chemical and emotional.
1) Physical Stress (sitting, poor posture, car accidents, injuries, work, caring for children, etc.)
2) Chemical Stress (tap water, pesticides in our food, over the counter drugs, endocrine disrupters in our household cleaning products and our self care products, plastics, environmental toxins, etc.)
3) Emotional Stress (work, children, school, relationships, finances, sickness, etc.)
When stress builds up, it puts our nervous system in a constant state of fight or flight. Regular chiropractic adjustments help to combat the build up of stress and its effects on our nervous system, creating balance and homeostasis in our system.
Wellness adjustments look different for everyone. Generally speaking, wellness adjustments vary from weekly adjustments to monthly adjustments. Everyone’s lifestyle and daily stressors vary and there is never a one size fits all approach to health and wellness.